The CAPTCHA that teaches South Africa the 11 official languages one word at a time.
A CAPTCHA is a service that protects your website from spam. A human can read and type a CAPTCHA, but a bot can’t.
Did you know that the average person spends 10 seconds to complete a CAPTCHA? That’s a lot of time spent if we’re all doing it once a day.
iCAPTCHA puts that time to better use. Each iCAPTCHA will teach the user one word from South Africa’s 11 official languages.
It’s simple, all you need to do is put iCAPTCHA on your site. Add it to any form to secure it from bots. Visitors to your site will then use iCAPTCHA when completing a form, to prove they’re not bots.
Setup is easy (provided you’re a little technically minded).contact us
If you need some help,Include the iCAPTCHA script in you HTML page head as shown below.
Within your form, create a DIV container with class set to icaptcha and attribute
icaptcha_app_key set to your application key value.You can call the following javascript function to validate the user input before you submit the form: ICAPTCHA.verify()
The method call will return a boolean.
The following 3 parameters will be submitted along with the form:
To ensure that the submission is valid and hasn't been tampered with client side, a GET call should be made to with the following parameters:
The endpoint will return a JSON response structured as follows: {"verified":true/false}
Thank you. Dankie. Ngiyathokoza. Enkosi. Ngiyabonga. Ke a leboga. Ke a leboha. Ke a leboga.
Ngiyabonga. Ndi a livhuha. Ndza khensa.
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